billie jean
JoinedTopics Started by billie jean
by billie jean inhi, i haven't used this for a long time, due to the feeling of not needing to.
i've been getting on with life, fine, for some time now.
so been out 10 years, parents and other family still in.. well i guess i'm just asking how you cope, really, my family are becoming worse with me, and my son, (who has autism), little by little, and just the general putting the jw life before everything else, including me, my child, life in general, simple things and keeping us at arms length, it's really hard, as i have a relative trying to dig dirt on me, spreading it round the family in order to try and cause more upset for me.. so just a simple question, on how you've all coped in this situation.. thanks .
Just a thought on blood
by billie jean indon't get me wrong i'm not a vegan coming on here with facts about this, and that, but i've just been reading about milk or should i say any dairy products containing, pus and blood.
apparently it is always there no matter how pasturised the products are.
i was wondering if any dubs were aware of this ?
Are they ??
by billie jean inare they slowing coming to an end or 'wrapping it up' ?
i heard this the other day and confronted my j.w parents with it, of course they denied it..
So forgive me i never listened at the meetings
by billie jean ini still don't know who's at the top of the organisation ?
names ?
Just a little note for people still in.....
by billie jean ini'd just simply like to say to anyone who's still in and trying to break free, that there is hope that others (family still in) may see sense and not disown you entirely, sometimes things can seem more frightening than they really are and we can't see that untill we've tried it.
once the hard part is over you just have to 'stick to your guns' it is extremely hard especially if you're alone in leaving but it does get easier over time.
i'm fully aware of families totaly disowning you and this is the hardest part but the freeness of mind and feeling of liberation, along with hopefully better mental health, for yourself and children (if you have any) i'd say personally is well worth not staying in a miserable organisation like this..
Jehovah's Witnesses - the religion without a past or a future
by Mickey mouse inthere is only one timeframe that matters to a jehovah's witness: the present.. "so what if we taught that in 1993?
this is our present truth!.
jehovah's witnesses are being conditioned to think that the organization's history is unimportant, "the way jehovah is blessing the work now proves that this is his organization".. here's a question: if you were born into a catholic family in 1922, lived 70 years and died in 1992, what is your current standing before jehovah according to jw doctrine?
by billie jean inplease excuse my english ways but i've just watched a documentary on the jonestown cult and i was struck by the similarities between this cult and the the organisation.
i know this has most probably been discussed a lot but i was just wondering, for my own reasons what other people think about this ?
and if there are any similarities ?
JW's on Facebook seem like happy people
by Smoky ini just recently got a facebook page and started to look up some old jw friends (im a long time fader).
i see there pictures and comments and feel kinda jealous that they all look happy (im in a rough stage in my life).
i never was happy as a jw, and since i faded i am more comfortable in my own skin....the future looks bright for me.
Is it wrong to change your religion?
by Mickey mouse in